Full Name : Oxavia Aldiano
Nickname : vidi or enough written Vd
Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta, March 29, 1990
Education : SMU Al-Azhar 1 (AlPus) graduated in 2008
Pelita Harapan University, major Electrical Engineering,
registered in 2008
Achievements :
-1st Champion in the event 1ncredible Band Festival 2007
-Champion-in Elfa’s Music Studio Try Out
-Best Vocalist in 1incredible Band Festival 2007
-Best Vocalist at the Electric Band Festival 2005
-Top 100 Indonesian Idol 2006
-Favorite Champion JakStuff in 2007, with Suddenly September
-First Champion Alpus Pentasan 2006
-First Champion Pop Singer Al-Azhar Festival
-First Champion Nasyid Al-Azhar Festival
The music that followed:
-Java Jazz 2005
-1ncredible-Band Festival 2007
-National MTQ-2006
-Jakarta Fair 2008
-Jajan Jazz 2008
-Amway ’s Leadership Seminar
-Electric-SMP Al-Azhar Pejaten 2007
-Bali-Fashion Week 2007
-Party-Promo Night at Al-Azhar Pejaten 2008
Vidi like :

-Photography and love all things related image manipulation
-Setup to the computer that is called Computer Freak
-Any case-related gadgets
Fashion Statement by vidi:
Classy messy with favorite clothes output Zara, Top Men, Metrox
Vidi’s idol:
- Craig David. Because Craig David’s singing that even with the fast tempo but still ragtime
- Jason Mraz. Because his song is cool and so groove
Favorite places:
Brewww - Lounge Café, Kemang. In addition to be a fun place to hang out with friends, vidi also appear to be regular.
The ritual Before sing :
To the rest room and relaxation.
Top Quote of vidi :
“…. You have a talent in singing. Your Vocal is properly. The Intonation is also correct. The Vibration is good … …. “(Indra Lesmana - when vidi in Top 100 Indonesian Idol 2006).
ih..waw blog'a keren abizz loh!!!!
BalasHapusqm punya ide'a baguzz buanget!!
pokok ea kerennn abizz
makasih banged y kha_
BalasHapussering2 berkunjung,,
jamin beritanya UP TO DATE semua =)